Water Ingress

Hydromedial specialise in building diagnosis relating to water ingress. We often locate multiple defects or failures in the building fabric causing leaks within a building. Whether it’s coming from above, below or somewhere in between, we can identify the cause and provide workable and effective solutions to the problems through reporting & design and manage the repairs on your behalf.


Specific services relating to water ingress are listed below:

  • Forensic analysis and identification: This covers reporting on issues relating to water ingress that may include, but are not limited to basement flooding, drainage failure, ground subsidence, building fabric failure, roof fabric failure, water proofing failure and concrete cancer.
  • Roof plumbing failure: We provide reporting on materials and installation compliance including box gutters, cladding abutments to masonry walls, flashings, parapet failure and stormwater egress.
  • Waterproofing failure: We can assist you with waterproofing in bathrooms & basements by carrying out forensic analysis & indentification of the cause of failure. This may relate to, or be a combination of, compromised or non-compliant waterproofing membrane, drainage infrastructure or wall or floor structure to name a few common causes.
  • Dampness: At Hydromedial we take a wholistic approach to identifying the underlying cause of damp in and around buildings of all types. Existing ground water conditions are considered. Drainage infrastructure as well as material use and installation including external cladding fabric, ventilation, flashings and glazing units are all assessed and solutions to the problems are provided. We will provide you with an accurate diagnosis and solution for problems associated with dampness in buildings.