Strata Building (Apartment Complex)

" An Owners Corporation in our portfolio facing significant remedial works to correct original construction deficiencies engaged with Hydromedial to guide them through the lengthy process  of determining and implementing the reconstruction of a continuously occupied residential building.  Numerous complexities arose over the year of site works and Hydromedial responded to the consequential challenges very proactively.  The original construction deficiencies were primarily about waterproofing, but the Hydromedial team led by Karl van Hoogenvest and Mark Bradbury stepped up with contributions of; Expert Witness reports in Legal Actions undertaken by the Owners Corporation; identifying through Tender, engaging and supervising a very competent contractor; rapid resolution of a latent flammable cladding issue within the broader contract scope and the necessary liaison with local authorities; thorough documentation and reporting of project progress and the not infrequent, unexpected latent or hidden issues that required quick, well-reasoned responses from all contributors.  The Owners Corporation is broadly happy to have Hydromedial travelling this journey with them."

Tony Reif

Class 1 Strata Manager: Licensee-in-Charge

ACE Body Corporate Management (Centennial) 


Singe Dwelling (House)

" We went to Hydromedial to find the source of the water ingress in our home.  We then engaged them to project manage the resulting works to fix the issues.  At all stages, they were communicative, thorough and clear.  They presented multiple solutions to our problems - allowing us to weigh up what worked best within our budget and time constraints.  We had complete faith in their knowledge and high standards for the work’s completion.  We cannot recommend Hydromedial highly enough ".  
